• Component / Service / App
  • Carlos Badenes-Olmedo

Cross-lingual Document Search Engine

Large-scale document search service that automatically categorizes and relates texts by content, regardless of the language used. Around 500 categories based on the EUROVOC thesaurus have been considered to process texts.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Gregorio M. Toral

Optimisation of traffic flow in Berlin

Ciclogreen has developed an analytics and prediction tool that, given the historical data of the traffic flow at a given point in the city, will simulate behaviors that could generate congestion or flow of traffic, public transport, and pedestrians.

  • Platform / Framework
  • DEEP-Hybrid-DataCloud

DEEPaaS - Deep Learning for everybody

The key concept proposed in the DEEP Hybrid DataCloud project is the need to support intensive computing techniques that require specialized HPC hardware, like GPUs or low-latency interconnects, to explore very large datasets.

  • COVID-19 Medical
  • Oscar Corcho


We have annotated the corpus (full papers and their sentences) with their ATC codes, and made this resource available as an easy to query repository. Besides, we are applying probabilistic topic modelling and clustering techniques to cluster drugs, symptoms, diseases, etc.

  • Platform / Framework
  • ELASTIC consortium

ELASTIC: A Software Architecture for Extreme-ScaLe Big-Data AnalyticS in Fog CompuTIng ECosystems

Big data technologies are nowadays being integrated in systems that are required to process a vast amount of information from geographically distributed data sources.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI)

Data Hub

A center for experimentation in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing that will allow companies to have a testing enviornment for their advanced data analysis applications prior to the launch of a product to the market. The objective of this experimentation center is to

  • Component / Service / App
  • CARTIF Technology Centre

Traffic micro-simulation models in city centres

Freight delivery within the city has a great impact on traffic flow and is responsible for traffic congestion to a high extent. Central areas of the city face a number of situations every day:
