• Platform / Framework
  • Dr. Dumitru Roman

euBusinessGraph – EBG Marketplace

The EBG “company data marketplace” ia a place where company data providers can advertise their data, and data consumers can search, analyse, and compare data from the data providers, all in a unified way.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Cesare Cugnasco

Multidimensional Storage with Efficient Sampling (MuSES)

Our technology allows organizing the data according to their multidimensional attributes while building stratified samples at high-speed.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Carlos Badenes-Olmedo

Cross-lingual Document Search Engine

Large-scale document search service that automatically categorizes and relates texts by content, regardless of the language used. Around 500 categories based on the EUROVOC thesaurus have been considered to process texts.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Ahmet Soylu


OptiqueVQS is a visual query formulation tool for expressing information needs in terms of queries over ontologies. OptiqueVQS is composed of an interface and a navigation graph extracted from the underlying ontologies.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Bodypass

Blockchain network for exchanging 3D personal data extracted from medical images and body scanners

Private blockchain network that includes a metrics catalogue. Data customers are connected to data providers. Data costumers can configure SQL queries and obtain individual anonymised data or aggregated data.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Germán Herrero

AGORA - Unlocking data-driven business potentials for cross-sectorial industries

AGORA is the B2B data platform broker of Atos to connect Data Providers and Data Consumers, facilitating the access, acquisition and trade-off of Connected Vehicle and Smart Home data under the standardized data model (CIDM).

  • Platform / Framework
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI)

Data Hub

A center for experimentation in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing that will allow companies to have a testing enviornment for their advanced data analysis applications prior to the launch of a product to the market. The objective of this experimentation center is to

  • Component / Service / App
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI)

Digital Twin for Industry 4.0

The objective of the Digital Twin for the Industry 4.0 product is the virtual representation of real devices and processes, which is linked to its physical counterparts not only through mechanic and geometric parameters, but also by their behaviour.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI)

Radiatus (Big Data Analytics as a Service)

Radiatus platform main goal is to provide to the end-user a BDAaaS (Big Data Analytics as a Service) solution in the Cloud. This platform aims to allow the end-user to focus on the data analysis processing, and provides the necessary level of abstraction about the details of configuration, services, adaptability and deployment, making it transparent the selection of the IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

  • Component / Service / App
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática

Port and Terminal Productivity Cockpit

The Port & Terminal productivity cockpit is a web-based tool for supporting a common set of shared and specific metrics to evaluate the logistic process of a port terminal.

