Big data versus COVID-19: opportunities and privacy challenges
A great deal of COVID-19-relevant information is potentially available in the digital world.
Contradictory news crawler
Everybody is talking about fake news, if nowadays specialised fact checkers journalits (eg. International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) or AI powered sites ( eg. are trying to establish the 'truth', one can argue that 1) automate result are not perfetc and 2) it is dangerous to label a news as true or false since it is impossible to have a perfectly neutral opinion.
COVID_19 related fake news
The Internet has revolutionized the way people get in touch, work and get informed.
Despite the Internet has brought many improvements in people’s lives, some drawbacks need to be considered.
One of such drawbacks is the spreading of fake news.
Fake news seems to be a “hot topic” nowadays and its consequences more severe during this period of the outbreak.
As Covid-19, fake news is also a virus, maybe the most powerful virus in the world, that infests our lives.
Fake news is not created “just for laugh” of “by someone who has nothing better to do”.
COVID19 Screening
Critical COVID19 Challenges - Why is smart screening & targeted testing important? Limited Testing Capacity Despite the fact that few countries have rolled out massive screening campaigns, most of the countries face critical shortages in terms of available tests and laboratory capacity. In the case of France, approximately 150,000 tests are performed on a weekly basis (currently targeting 500,000/week) while in Germany 500,000 tests are already performed per week.
Gamification to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus
The Challenge is looking for gamification approaches that would help in preventing the spread of Coronavirus.
Lasting changes in human behavior are likely to be required to end the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and to live in the “post-COVID-19” world.
Gamification has been long recognized as a powerful approach to changing social behavior, including health related behavior. The objective of this Challenge is to apply gamification to changing people’s social behavior so that to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and other infections.
Smartcity and Transport platform
To provide a “Multimodal Smart Cities Sustainable Transport Platform” dedicated to: Smart Cities in the context of economic growth and jobs creation through the hosting of a major events (Sport Event)
External Data for Business
Data from external sources can be blended with internal data to provide holistic views of the business environment. These sources have different formats and access methods that need to be harmonised in order to be usable.
New Smart City Solutions Enabled by Open Data
In recent years, the amount of Public Administration Open Data has increased substantially, as well as other datasets publicly available produced by Research, Academic and No Profit institutions, but the maximum benefit from this information has not been fully realized and there are few relevant and impactful services exclusively based on open data analysis. Enel X is looking for new ways of leveraging the open data to create tailored solutions for municipalities.
Early Signs of Pending Pandemic
One of the longer-term responses to the COVID-19 crisis will be the creation of a series of risk assessment tools that allow early warnings about the pending outbreak of a pandemic. Some of these tools will use health-related parameters, such as body temperature. Others will be based on people’s subjective self-assessments, including headache, muscle pain, difficulty with breathing, etc.
Big data versus COVID-19: opportunities and privacy challenges
A great deal of COVID-19-relevant information is potentially available in the digital world.