• Other

Big Ideas for Unlocking The Power of Big Data

The Seeker requires an overview of actionable concepts for leveraging big data in certain applications and also looks to identify potential partners that can help them develop of ‘big data’ opportunities in novel and creative ways. 

  • COVID-19 People

Early Signs of Pending Pandemic

One of the longer-term responses to the COVID-19 crisis will be the creation of a series of risk assessment tools that allow early warnings about the pending outbreak of a pandemic. Some of these tools will use health-related parameters, such as body temperature.

  • COVID-19 Other
  • Chaminda Hewage

Privacy and Security Challenges of Emerging Big Data Applications in the era of COVID-19

The urgency of the need to manage and find cures for the COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary to share information in large volumes between national and international organizations (e.g., virus and treatment data, contact tracing, multimedia data generated by telepresence applications such as

  • COVID-19 People

Gamification to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus

The Challenge is looking for gamification approaches that would help in preventing the spread of Coronavirus.

Lasting changes in human behavior are likely to be required to end the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and to live in the “post-COVID-19” world.

  • COVID-19 Other

COVID19 Screening

Critical COVID19 Challenges - Why is smart screening & targeted testing important? Limited Testing Capacity Despite the fact that few countries have rolled out massive screening campaigns, most of the countries face critical shortages in terms of available tests and laboratory capacity.

  • COVID-19 Other

COVID_19 related fake news

The Internet has revolutionized the way people get in touch, work and get informed. Despite the Internet has brought many improvements in people’s lives, some drawbacks need to be considered. One of such drawbacks is the spreading of fake news.

  • COVID-19 Other
  • Scott Marcus

Big data versus COVID-19: opportunities and privacy challenges

A great deal of COVID-19-relevant information is potentially available in the digital world.
