• Platform / Framework
  • Alessandro Checco

FashionBrain – novel shopping experience

The FashionBrain solution aims at combining data from different sources to support different fashion industry players by predicting upcoming fashion trends from social media as well as providing personalized recommendations and advanced fashion item search to customers.

  • Platform / Framework
  • University of Southampton

QROWDSmith crowdsourcing platform

QROWDSmith is a standalone crowdsourcing platform designed to engage with crowdsourcing volunteers or workers, or citizens to run crowdsourcing activities aimed in data creation and curation for applications developed for mobility purposes.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Infotripla

Customised and automated traffic incident alert

Fully automatic traffic incident alert to the mobile phone. User can subscribe the alerts happening in particular city areas.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Infotripla

Urban traffic fluency model

A comprehensive city traffic model based on various diferent data sources. The model can be used e.g to present traffic situation of the street network on a map user interface or to generate traffic incident data to other applications.

  • Component / Service / App
  • University of Southampton

QROWD Virtual City Explorer

One of the most innovative products that the QROWD project offers is that of the Virtual City Explorer (VCE). VCE is a crowdsourced solution for mobility infrastructure maps.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Datris Limited

DatrisAI Community Mapping

Datris has been applying its AI technology to develop a Community Mapping Tool that can identify, validate and profile community based organisations, clubs, groups and charities.
