• Component / Service / App
  • Metsakeskus

DataBio - Metsak Forest resource informations

Metsään.fi is an eService provided by the governmental body, the Finnish Forest Centre (METSAK), to make forest resource information available for citizens free of charge. Metsään.fi as an eService serves forest owners and forestry service providers.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Ricardo Vitorino

Ubiwhere Urban Platform

Ubiwhere Urban Platform focus on  understanding how external factors (such as the weather, location of points of interest or the time of the year) affect the way people move, by analysing anonymised historical booking data (from public transportation and vehicle sharing systems) and correlating i

  • Component / Service / App
  • Infotripla

Urban traffic fluency model

A comprehensive city traffic model based on various diferent data sources. The model can be used e.g to present traffic situation of the street network on a map user interface or to generate traffic incident data to other applications.
