• Component / Service / App
  • Metsakeskus

DataBio - Metsak Forest resource informations

Metsään.fi is an eService provided by the governmental body, the Finnish Forest Centre (METSAK), to make forest resource information available for citizens free of charge. Metsään.fi as an eService serves forest owners and forestry service providers.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Seppo Huurinainen

DataBio Wuudis – A Forestry one-stop platform

The Wuudis Service partially developed through DataBio project funding is a technically innovative, open, standardized and significantly cost effective solution for the entire forest ecosystem than current alternatives.

  • Platform / Framework
  • AI4BD GmbH

QROWD data integration and analytics platform

This crowdsourcing-enabled big data integration and analytics services platform allows the efficient management of the entire mobility/transport/logistics related data value chains: integration of existing (heterogeneous) data sources affecting mobility; Generation of new data; Curation and meani
