• Process
  • Niels Reinhard

PredRepair Smart Manufacturing Logistic & Maintenance

The automotive after sales market is 44bn € in Germany alone. Our spare part recommendation engine allows car repair shops to deliver value with less human labor (increasing efficiency), allowing for higher value activities.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Michael Beigl, KIT


The coronazaehler.de Web-App is an end user information platform for the current situation in Germany. It contains several analytics and simulations based on several extensive open data from governmental sources. In cooperation with the Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) of the KIT.

  • COVID-19 Medical
  • Tocco

Data Sharing

Response to the impacts related to the COVID-19 crisis, and following the fairly unanimous call to accelerate data sharing, as a key contributor to solving this situation, Dawex took the initiative to launch the COVID-19 Data Exchange. This pro bono initiative is already supported by global organ

  • Platform / Framework
  • SAP

SAP Data Hub

The all-in-one data orchestration solution discovers, refines, enriches, and governs any type, variety, and volume of data across your entire distributed data landscape.

  • Component / Service / App
  • IPlytics GmbH


IPlytics is a market intelligence tool to search and analyze technology and market landscapes.
