• Platform / Framework
  • Germán Herrero

AGORA - Unlocking data-driven business potentials for cross-sectorial industries

AGORA is the B2B data platform broker of Atos to connect Data Providers and Data Consumers, facilitating the access, acquisition and trade-off of Connected Vehicle and Smart Home data under the standardized data model (CIDM).

  • Platform / Framework
  • Ricardo Vitorino

Ubiwhere Urban Platform

Ubiwhere Urban Platform focus on  understanding how external factors (such as the weather, location of points of interest or the time of the year) affect the way people move, by analysing anonymised historical booking data (from public transportation and vehicle sharing systems) and correlating i

  • Component / Service / App
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática

Port and Terminal Productivity Cockpit

The Port & Terminal productivity cockpit is a web-based tool for supporting a common set of shared and specific metrics to evaluate the logistic process of a port terminal.

  • Component / Service / App
  • CARTIF Technology Centre

Traffic micro-simulation models in city centres

Freight delivery within the city has a great impact on traffic flow and is responsible for traffic congestion to a high extent. Central areas of the city face a number of situations every day:

  • Component / Service / App
  • AnswareTech SL

Emission Reduction System

More and more vehicles are connected to the Cloud.

  • Component / Service / App
  • ATOS

DataBench Toolbox

The goal of the DataBench Toolbox is to provide a way of reusing existing big data benchmarking efforts under a common framework, providing therefore a way to select, download and homogenize technical and business indicators.
