• Process
  • Niels Reinhard

PredRepair Smart Manufacturing Logistic & Maintenance

The automotive after sales market is 44bn € in Germany alone. Our spare part recommendation engine allows car repair shops to deliver value with less human labor (increasing efficiency), allowing for higher value activities.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Bodypass

Full-body mapping and automatic registration of medical (CT) images for geometrical and tissue queries

Registration of volumetric 3D body avatar model with the growing number of organs into medical (thorax-abdomen CT) images to and patient metadata. Extraction of fat percentages and internal organ dimensions.

  • COVID-19 Medical
  • Vincent Barnaud

Truata Anonymization Service

Onboarding a new data set : - analyze it and set anonymization processes - connect the Data owner IT with Truata platform - ingest the data and execute the planned anonymization steps - pass acceptance tests Periodically: - ingest the data and execute the planned anonymization steps Building a mo

  • COVID-19 Other
  • Daniel Wolffram

DISCOVID.AI - a search and discovery engine for CORD-19

Because of the rapid increase in literature around COVID-19, it is hard to keep up with the newest publications and find articles that are relevant for your work.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Michael Beigl, KIT


The coronazaehler.de Web-App is an end user information platform for the current situation in Germany. It contains several analytics and simulations based on several extensive open data from governmental sources. In cooperation with the Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) of the KIT.

  • COVID-19 Medical
  • Tocco

Data Sharing

Response to the impacts related to the COVID-19 crisis, and following the fairly unanimous call to accelerate data sharing, as a key contributor to solving this situation, Dawex took the initiative to launch the COVID-19 Data Exchange. This pro bono initiative is already supported by global organ

  • Platform / Framework
  • ATB – Institut für angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen GmbH

Cross-CPP - A single point of access to multiple data streams

Key motivation of Cross-CPP project is to give cross-sectorial industries access to the great spectrum of sensor data coming from products from various industrial sectors (vehicles, smart home devices, etc.).

  • Platform / Framework
  • Yury Glikman

AEGIS Data Management and Analytics Platform

The AEGIS platform provides a multi-tenant data management and processing services for big data. The multi-tenancy behaviour allows different users and services to securely and privately access and process their data.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Zalando

Flair: A New State-of-the-Art Library For Natural Language Processing (NLP)

We researched a novel approach to address fundamental natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as syntactic and semantic analysis. Our approach outperforms all existing methods by a significant margin and represents the new state-of-the-art across various core NLP tasks.

  • Other

Analytics optimisation toolbox (AOT)

The QROWD Analytics Optimisation Toolbox (AOT) comprises five tools aimed at improving the performance -efficiency and accuracy- of the analytics required to deliver the QROWD mobility services:

