• Platform / Framework
  • I-BiDaaS Consortium

I-BiDaaS: Industrial-Driven Big Data as a Self-Service Solution

The I-BiDaaS project aims to empower end-users to utilize and interact with big data technologies more easily.

  • Other
  • Data Science Lab, University of Piraeus

Distributed Sub-trajectory Clustering

Trajectory clustering is an important operation of knowledge discovery from mobility data. Especially nowadays, the need for performing advanced analytic operations over massively produced data, such as mobility traces, in efficient and scalable ways is imperative.

  • Platform / Framework
  • I-BiDaaS Consortium

Specification of an end-to-end Big Data as-a-self-service platform

This innovation corresponds to specification of an end-to-end platform for Big Data as-a-self-service, developed within the I-BiDaaS project.

  • Platform / Framework
  • IBM

Parallelization of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) solver

The CSP solver is the heart of the IBM’s Data Fabrication Platform technology. The generated data is the solution of a constraint satisfaction problem created by the Platform engine out of the user defined data model.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Cesare Cugnasco

Multidimensional Storage with Efficient Sampling (MuSES)

Our technology allows organizing the data according to their multidimensional attributes while building stratified samples at high-speed.

  • Component / Service / App


SOFIA DSS is a model and data-driven system that addresses the challenge of personnel evaluation and recruitment.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Carlos Badenes-Olmedo

Cross-lingual Document Search Engine

Large-scale document search service that automatically categorizes and relates texts by content, regardless of the language used. Around 500 categories based on the EUROVOC thesaurus have been considered to process texts.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Bodypass

Blockchain network for exchanging 3D personal data extracted from medical images and body scanners

Private blockchain network that includes a metrics catalogue. Data customers are connected to data providers. Data costumers can configure SQL queries and obtain individual anonymised data or aggregated data.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Gregorio M. Toral

Optimisation of traffic flow in Berlin

Ciclogreen has developed an analytics and prediction tool that, given the historical data of the traffic flow at a given point in the city, will simulate behaviors that could generate congestion or flow of traffic, public transport, and pedestrians.

  • COVID-19 Other
  • Georgios Petropoulos

Artificial intelligence in the fight against COVID-19

Artificial intelligence can help fight the coronavirus through applications including population screening, notifications of when to seek medical help and tracking how infection spreads.

