• Component / Service / App
  • Mr Savvas Rogotis

DataBio Agri–Insurance tools and services for the agricolture insurance market

Insurance in the agri-food sector deals with the increasing demand for agricultural insurance products and is expected to play a vital role in the forthcoming years as a tool for risk management.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Spiros Athanasiou


SLIPO is the first comprehensive cloud-based platform for the quality-assured and scalable integration of Big POI data assets. SLIPO reduces the effort, time, and complexity of POI data integration, providing POIs of increased size, coverage, richness and timeliness at a fraction of the cost.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Spiros Mouzakitis

BigDataOcean Platform

BigDataOcean brings a digital revolution the maritime industry by creating a large maritime big data infrastructure that enables collaborative, data-driven intelligence.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI)

Data Hub

A center for experimentation in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing that will allow companies to have a testing enviornment for their advanced data analysis applications prior to the launch of a product to the market. The objective of this experimentation center is to

  • Component / Service / App
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI)

Digital Twin for Industry 4.0

The objective of the Digital Twin for the Industry 4.0 product is the virtual representation of real devices and processes, which is linked to its physical counterparts not only through mechanic and geometric parameters, but also by their behaviour.

  • Platform / Framework
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI)

Radiatus (Big Data Analytics as a Service)

Radiatus platform main goal is to provide to the end-user a BDAaaS (Big Data Analytics as a Service) solution in the Cloud. This platform aims to allow the end-user to focus on the data analysis processing, and provides the necessary level of abstraction about the details of configuration, services, adaptability and deployment, making it transparent the selection of the IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

  • Component / Service / App
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática

Port and Terminal Productivity Cockpit

The Port & Terminal productivity cockpit is a web-based tool for supporting a common set of shared and specific metrics to evaluate the logistic process of a port terminal.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Zylk.net S.L.

IRI Industrial Robots Insight

IRI (Industrial Robots Insight), is a predictive maintenance and energy control box for industrial robots, that solves all these problems to offer a manufacturer agnostic solution, open, which increases your savings and guarantee your production, without putting your data at risk.


  • Component / Service / App
  • CARTIF Technology Centre

Traffic micro-simulation models in city centres

Freight delivery within the city has a great impact on traffic flow and is responsible for traffic congestion to a high extent. Central areas of the city face a number of situations every day:

  • Component / Service / App
  • Indra Sistemas

Predictive High-Speed Network Maintenance

Predictive High-Speed Network Maintenance pilot strives to provide functionality that predicts the failure of mainline railway assets with sufficient foresight that preventative maintenance can be scheduled and performed.

