• Component / Service / App
  • Gregorio M. Toral

Optimisation of traffic flow in Berlin

Ciclogreen has developed an analytics and prediction tool that, given the historical data of the traffic flow at a given point in the city, will simulate behaviors that could generate congestion or flow of traffic, public transport, and pedestrians.

  • Component / Service / App
  • Zylk.net S.L.

IRI Industrial Robots Insight

IRI (Industrial Robots Insight), is a predictive maintenance and energy control box for industrial robots, that solves all these problems to offer a manufacturer agnostic solution, open, which increases your savings and guarantee your production, without putting your data at risk.


  • Component / Service / App
  • LIS-Solutions S.L

Rise Up Data Pro

Rise Up Data Pro is LIS-Solutions product for predictive maintenance. Our mission is to use the data robots and machines are creating all the time within industrial facilities to understand them better or even to feel them through data.

  • Component / Service / App
  • ATOS

DataBench Toolbox

The goal of the DataBench Toolbox is to provide a way of reusing existing big data benchmarking efforts under a common framework, providing therefore a way to select, download and homogenize technical and business indicators.
